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    Helping to Develop Future Retailing Research


    The students in the course were a group of highly engaged and interesting PhD students, all focused on retailing-related research.  The students come from many different disciplines (e.g., marketing, statistics, engineering) and from a range of universities located across Sweden, Finland, France, Switzerland, and Turkey.  This highly diverse group challenged each other to reflect on research from a multi-cultural, multi-disciplinary perspective, resulting in an enhanced understanding of retailing research which served as a rich backdrop for formulating a range of research questions.

    During the course, I had the opportunity to share some information about the Journal of Retailing (which I co-edit).  The Journal of Retailing the leading outlet for retail research and a mainstream journal in the field of marketing.  What sets the journal apart from other journals is the substantive focus on the practice of retailing.  A wide variety of conceptual (e.g., behavioral, economic, management, sociological psychological domains) and methodological (e.g., experiments, ethnographies, surveys, analytical and empirical models, panel data, or secondary data) bases are used in the articles. The target audience for the journal includes both academics and practitioners.

    The course and my broader interactions with students, faculty, and retail partners of CFR leave me energized and excited about the important retailing research which has been done, is being done, and will be done in the future.

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